Contact me for a complimentary consultation to determine whether the services I offer are a good match for you and your needs.

Get started

  • Prior to scheduling appointments, we will connect by phone for a brief, complimentary consultation to ensure that the services I offer are a good match to your child’s and family’s needs. If we decide to move forward with treatment, we will schedule an initial appointment. Prior to that appointment, you will be sent a link to connect to my HIPPA compliant and secure Client Portal through Simple Practice. Through the Client Portal you will be able to communicate with me via secure message, view and sign consent forms and intake documents, and set up billing and payment options.

    My current office hours are primarily evening and weekends.

    If we determine that the services or availability I have to offer are not a fit for your needs, I will assist in finding resources that may better meet your needs.

    If you would like to schedule a phone consultation, please fill out the Contact Form and I will reach out within 1-2 business days.

  • The first appointment is a diagnostic evaluation using a clinical interview. This appointment includes collecting background information and understanding your concerns. Completion of a child history form and potential standardized questionnaires before the appointment will provide additional information. After obtaining an understanding of your concerns, I will provide diagnostic feedback and treatment recommendations.

    If we reach agreement that I can provide therapy services that are a good fit for your child’s and family’s needs, we will schedule regular follow up appointments.

  • As therapy begins, we will collaboratively develop therapeutic goals and a treatment plan. Therapy sessions are scheduled for 45 minutes at a frequency that best supports the treatment plan. Each session will consist of assessing progress toward goals, developing skills, and planning the next steps in treatment. The number of therapy sessions recommended will be dependent on the nature of your concerns and progress made in treatment. We will discuss this together.

  • I do not currently participate with any insurance panels, thus I am an out-of-network provider. I do not accept Medicare and Medicaid.

    I can provide you with invoices that contain the necessary information to submit documentation to your private insurance requesting reimbursement if you choose to do so. It is recommended that you contact your insurance provider prior to our appointment to ensure your understanding of your coverage. I will not be communicating directly with your insurance provider.

    The fee for an initial appointment is $150.

    The fee for therapy sessions is $125.

  • If you need to reschedule or cancel a session, please provide at least 24-hour notice. Communicating via secure message through the Client Portal is the best way to message about scheduling concerns. Sessions that are missed and sessions rescheduled or canceled with less than 24-hour notice will be charged in full.

  • All therapy services are held exclusively via Telehealth by SimplePractice, a secure and HIPPA compliant videoconference platform. Audio-only phone calls and texting are not approved methods of Telehealth appointments. Clients and families must be physically located in Missouri or Illinois during treatment sessions.

  • You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate of what your services may cost.

    The good faith estimate shows the list of expected charges for items or services from your provider or facility. The good faith estimate is based on information known at the time I create the estimate, therefore it will not include any unknown or unexpected costs that may be added during your treatment.

    For additional information, click here.